
Crisis management (online negative feedback)

Crisis management is the application of strategies designed to help an organization deal with a sudden and significant negative event. A crisis can occur as a result of an unpredictable event or as an unforeseeable consequence of some event that had been considered a potential risk. In either case, crises almost invariably require that decisions be made quickly to limit damage to the organization. For that reason, one of the first actions in crisis management planning is to identify an individual to serve as crisis manager.

Here I want to share about the Sushi King Company that has properly engaged negative feedback, review and dissatisfaction.

                Sushi King Company they provide a good answer and reply comment to anyone who have comment bad comment about their company. They are responsibility to their client and take note to everyone who have bad comment or suggestions on their social media (Facebook).

                Besides, they also have well apologizes to their customer on their low and bad quality service. It is very good way to make client satisfied and happy if the company take note for their respond.

                Furthermore, Sushi King Company was also a have the nice on crisis management on social media. Because they have manage the bad issue in “PM” (inbox message) way, that can avoid their bad image to pass or share by another client.

 Here is the example that show in the photo, how they answer their client.   

Hope you all will like my sharing thank you =)

